Artist's impression of an ice water crystal
A dying star puts on a final fiery show as it lights up the remnants ejected from its envelope. In this artist's impression, an ice water crystal is seen orbiting the outskirts of a planetary system. This fish-eye image is a frame from the planetarium show Water — a cosmic adventure, produced by the Association of French-language planetariums (APLF) in collaboration with ESO and Hamburg Planetarium.
Über das Bild
ID: | ann12002b |
Typ: | Fotografisch |
Veröffentlichungsdatum: | 25. September 2012 17:38 |
Dazugehörige Mitteilungen: | ann12002 |
Größe: | 4000 x 4000 px |
Über das Objekt
Kategorie: | Shows |
Bild in Originalgröße
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