”Then and Now" at La Silla Observatory
La Silla was the first of ESO's observatory sites to be built. The historical image was taken in the late 1960s or early 1970s from the dome of the ESO 1.52-metre telescope, which first observed in 1968. A second photograph, taken in the present day, shows how much the observatory has changed over the decades. In the historical image, we can see the ESO 1-metre telescope in the foreground on the right, with the Grand Prism Objectif telescope (GPO) just peeking out from behind. The third telescope in this photo is the Schmidt 1-metre telescope, on the left. Behind it, at a higher level, are the water tanks of the observatory. Moving through time to the present-day, we can see how much La Silla has evolved, with many more telescopes on the site. The ESO 3.6-metre telescope and the adjacent Coudé Auxiliary Telescope now stand out on the highest peak. The angular enclosure of the New Technology Telescope (NTT) is just to the left, next to the water tanks. The 15-metre-diameter dish of the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) watches the horizon on the far right. The new photograph was taken from a slightly different position on top of the ESO 1.52-metre telescope building, so the GPO is now hidden behind the ESO 1-metre telescope in the foreground. The white dome that is just visible behind the 1-metre is the Danish 1.54-metre telescope. In the centre of the photo we now see the silvery dome of the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope. Although some telescopes at La Silla, such as the ESO 1-metre and 1.52-metre, and the SEST, are no longer in operation, others are still doing front-line astronomy. The ESO 3.6-metre telescope hosts the HARPS instrument, the world's leading exoplanet hunter. The NTT has been used to help explain the formation of massive stars.
Herkunftsnachweis:ESO/J. Dommaget