ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy
ESO Supernova Public Newsletter
28 January 2025

Dear readers of the ESO Supernova newsletter,

For centuries, the stars and the countless secrets of the Universe have always fascinated people around the world. Telescopes have revolutionised the way astronomers look at the stars and view the world. But only recently did the wonders of astronomy become even more accessible to the general public. 100 years ago, the invention of the first planetarium projectors and the subsequent opening of the first planetarium brought the stars to earth for everyone to grasp.

We would like to celebrate the planetarium's 100th birthday with you for a period of 100 days. Our campaign culminates on 7 May, 2025, exactly 100 years after the first planetarium in the Deutsches Museum in Munich opened its doors in 1925.

Our special programme takes you on a unique journey. Discover how planetariums, as a gateway to space, not only inform many people, but also inspire and become a diverse event location. A temporary exhibition, extended opening hours, special showings in the planetarium and various public talks are also part of our special programme. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where you can take a look behind the scenes of the ESO Supernova and get a chance to win special prizes in one of our 100 Days of Planetarium lotteries.

You can find more information about our special programme on our event page.

We look forward to your visit during the 100 Days of Planetarium!

Carina Bublies
ESO Supernova Events Coordinator

ESO Supernova Upcoming Events

MPE-Vortragsreihe: Frauen in der Astronomie 2025 100 Years of Eternity Measuring the Universe - what do cosmic maps tell us about the history of the Universe?
06/02/2025 19:00 07/02/2025 18:30 13/02/2025 19:00

Press release rss icon feed  ESO Supernova Press Releases

100 Years in 100 Days

100 Years in 100 Days — We are celebrating the centennial of the planetarium!

Since the dawn of time, the starry night sky has fascinated people, but only recently the wonders of astronomy have become accessible to the general public. Last year, over 64 ...

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After work at ESO Supernova

After work at ESO Supernova — New: extended opening hours monthly on Fridays

From February 2025 until May 2025, on the first Friday of the month, the ESO Supernova has extended opening hours until 20:00.

Book now! Donate here
ESO Press Releases
New laser-sharp vision for Paranal’s facilities  Jupiter’s clouds are not made of ammonia ice  Perfectly framed  Mushroom-like telescopes capture cosmic signals  Under a blanket of snow 

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European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany


The ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre is a cooperation between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). The building is a donation from the Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS), a German foundation, and ESO runs the facility.

ESO Supernova is proudly supported by:

LOR Foundation

Evans & Sutherland
